
Muscle-fit T-shirts: Tips for Building Muscle

Muscle building is the primary aim of many gym-goers. It is the constant force behind our energy-driven workouts, aimed at rejuvenating and rebuilding muscle tissue.

However, the act of building muscle relies on multiple variables. These include nutrition and supplements, how you split up your weekly training, and your specific workout behaviours.

There is not one singular formula to achieving muscle gain, yet there are certain tips and tricks to consider for success.

Here are some things to think about when building muscle so that you can look and feel buff in your 11° muscle T-shirt.

What is muscle building? 

Otherwise known as muscle hypertrophy, muscle building is defined as the transformation that takes place when our muscles undergo continual resistance training.

This causes the muscles to be progressively over-loaded which leads to an increase in both diameter and length of muscle fibre size.

In a nutshell, muscle building is the process through which muscles are strategically targeted in energy-intensive workouts to enhance them physically.


Tips on building muscle 

The key to muscle building is effort and this must be sustained over time. Whatever resistance training you opt for, the key is to always include a form of increase that focuses your efforts and hones your skill.

To build muscle, you don’t have to sacrifice fun in the gym or completely cut out luxurious meals. Follow these four steps for success:

Workout frequently

It’s important that you train at least three times a week to witness muscle gains. This is the minimum amount of exercise activation needed to stimulate muscle growth.

Put a plan in place and stick to it. Your plan should incorporate nutritional habits and an exercise framework that can easily be adjusted.

You don’t want to constantly be experiencing failure as, quite simply, you don’t want to become unmotivated. Be sure to set realistic goals and be patient with progress.

Go for big workouts

It comes as no surprise that, in order to build muscle, you need to get your sweat on. You need to do more than simple bicep curls to physically challenge your body!

It is recommended that you choose exercises that target multiple muscles and joints. In real life, we use multiple muscles and joints all at once and your training should capitalise on that.

This will allow you to lift more weight and stimulate muscle growth. Exercises that target multiple areas of the upper and lower body include deadlifts, squats, bench presses, and pullups. They strengthen, condition, and build your body.

Incorporate heaving training into your routine

Heavy training is required to challenge the muscles both eccentrically and concentrically. If you’re able to lift heavy weights safely, this will cause muscles to tear and rebuild a lot quicker.

To achieve this, train with high volume and medium intensity. Intensity is the level of weight you lift, whilst volume is defined as the number of sets that you do. It is recommended that you do 10-15 repetitions with 30-45 second rests in between sets.

Don’t always go heavy

This seems like a counteraction to the point above, but it makes sense. You should keep your body moving or active to some extent every day. Yet constant workouts will lead to exhaustion and will do more damage than good.

Constant training means that your body doesn’t get a chance to grow, which undermines the whole muscle building process.

You should finish every workout feeling good and motivated, not dead and done in. Also, never do back-to-back days of heavy training.


How to split weekly training

How you split your weekly training is dependent on how many days you work out. Here is a brief guide to what your weekly routine should look like, including which body sections to focus on.

3-day workouts

If you’re opting for the minimum amount of workout days, you should opt for push/pull training.

Push workouts train all your upper body muscles involved in pushing processes, such as the shoulders, triceps, and chest. Alternatively, pull

muscles include the back and biceps.

A standard 3-day routine should look something like this:

1. Push workout
2. Pull workout
3. Legs/lower body

4-5 times a week

1. Chest/triceps
2. Back/biceps
3. Legs
4. Shoulders/arms/(abs if 4 days)
5. Abs

You should never endeavour to train more than 5 days a week, as this does not give your body enough time to grow and develop.


Nutrition/supplements for muscle growth

Your body must store an increased amount of protein through a process called protein synthesis to allow muscles to grow.

It is generally recommended that you should have a gram of protein per body pound. For example, a 150-pound male should consume 150 grams of protein per day.

Here are three nutritional and supplement tips for muscle growth:

Consume protein drinks pre-workout

Drink protein shakes that contain carbohydrates and amino acids as, with increased blood flow through exercise, they will speed up the protein synthesis process.

Eat carbohydrates

Feed your body carbs on your days off to increase insulin levels and reduce protein breakdown levels. You should never exercise and cut calories as this will have an adverse effect on muscle gain.

Consider creatine supplements

Creatine supplements increase your ability to train harder, faster, and longer. This allows you to put in more effort which is necessary for muscle gain.

Are you finally on your way to building muscle? Browse 11°’s muscle t-shirts to look good whilst working out and show off your well-earned gains!



Writer and expert